Kemala home living” - Manual Jakarta

Kemala Home Living's range of timeless handcrafted teakwood and glass homeware makes a visit to Pasar Modern Santa worthwhile.

Ideally, Pasar Modern Santa is a destination for those who seek pocket-friendly delicacies and meals during the day. Yet, on the first floor of the market, tucked among the food vendors and coffee shops, lies Kemala Home Living that offers handcrafted homeware goods.

Kemala Home Living: A Green Alternative in Home Decorating” - NOW! jAKARTA

Introducing Kemala Home Living, a functional, stylish, sustainably-sourced home décor that offers timeless designs. One of the most challenging problems with home décor is changing trends. A type of furniture or home style may be in vogue one year and out of style the next. However, Kemala Home Living ensures that your home décor never goes out of style and you get plenty of use out of it…

a laid back elegant feast” - Living Loving

Kami berkolaborasi dengan Dian dari Kemala Home Living untuk menyiapkan tataan meja bergaya natural tapi tetap berkesan modern. Dian memanfaatkan potongan kayu sebagai alas piring dan membuat rangkaian bunga sederhana untuk menghias bagian tengah meja makan. Untuk rangkaian utama Dian memanfaatkan kombinasi lili, krisan, dan baby’s breath kering yang semua berwarna putih dengan sedikit aksen peach dari mawar dan carnation. Lalu di kiri dan kanan rangkaian bunga diisi dengan setangkai baby’s breath dalam botol-botol kaca cokelat…