


One of our bestsellers, click to read more about the process in creating our signature speckled glaze mugs and plates.


Respectful and fair working relationships is key in our relationship with wood artisan partners across Central Java and Bali. Click to read more about our process in creating your beloved wooden wares.


Our fabric-based products are made from linen, canvas, batik, and handwoven fabrics such as ikat and lurik. Click to read some simple tips on how you can use fabric pieces.

Brass & Glassware

We adore the luster of brass with its beautiful golden sheen. Our brass & glass pieces make great centrepieces in any room. Click to see more of our brass & glassware items.


Our baskets are made from natural fibre, such as water hyacinth and bamboo. Click to read more about the fibres we use and see our gallery to see the weaving patterns of our natural-fibre baskets.